Our Patient Resources.

Mental Health

Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org


Crisis Phone Numbers:

Nationwide: 988
Sacramento: (916) 368-3111
Auburn: (530) 885-2300
Roseville: (916) 773-3111
Lincoln: (916) 645-8866

24-Hour Maternal Support Line:
(916) 681-2907

Click here for more information. 


Crisis Chat – Visit 988lifeline.org or click here.


Crisis Text: Text 988 or text the word HOPE to 916-668-iCAN (4226)



This is a resource built for individuals who want to pause a moment to focus on their emotional health. It is not intended to be, or to substitute for, psychotherapy. However, it was developed to support you to learn and use tools and practice skills that can help you cope with the stress, anxiety, sadness, guilt and other emotions you may be experiencing.



Use this website to search for and connect with qualified mental health professionals (therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists) in your area. Here you will find practitioners who specialize in various issues and therapeutic approaches. You can read therapist profiles, check their availability, review their credentials, and contact them directly to schedule appointments or seek guidance on mental health concerns. Many of these professionals accept various health insurance plans, be sure to ask them if they take your specific insurance plan.


Local Sacramento Mental Health Resources:


LOCATION: 510 Plaza Drive, Suite 170, Folsom, CA 95630
PHONE: (916) 351-9400
SERVICES: Psychiatry and Individual Therapy
WEBSITE: https://advancedpsychiatryassociates.com/
POPULATION: Adults and Children age 14yrs & older.


LOCATION: 2951 Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821
PHONE: (916) 486-7555
SERVICES: Psychiatry and Individual Therapy



Here you can find information about the various programs and resources available in Sacramento County to support your mental well-being. You’ll also find contact information to easily get in touch with the right people who can help you on your mental health journey. https://dhs.saccounty.gov/BHS/Pages/Mental-Health-Services.aspx


Preventive Health Screening

Getting regular STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing isn’t just a smart move for your sexual health; it’s a vital step in taking care of yourself and your partner. Many STIs can lurk without any noticeable symptoms, making testing the only way to be sure. The good news is that early detection through testing means early treatment, preventing potential complications like infertility or other health issues down the road. Plus, openly discussing sexual health with your healthcare provider can lead to safer and more responsible sexual practices, ensuring a happier, healthier you and your partner. So, don’t wait – make STI testing a regular part of your healthcare routine! Give our office a call and we can help get orders sent to the lab for you to get tested with simple blood and urine testing.


Blood Pressure Management

Controlling your blood pressure is important for reducing your risk of stroke and heart attack. Even though you may not feel any different, you blood pressure may be high. Sometimes we can even prescribe a blood pressure cuff for you to measure your blood pressures at home. If you are having a challenges controlling your blood pressure, the first place to start is to check it regularly.

You can visit https://manageyourbp.org/ for a video on how to accurately take your blood pressure at home.

Colon Cancer Screening

Colon cancer screening is your key to catching potential problems early and ensuring a healthier, happier future. You have several options for colon cancer screening, each with its own advantages.


1. Colonoscopy: This is a comprehensive screening method where a doctor examines the entire colon using a thin, flexible tube with a camera. It’s considered the gold standard for detecting colon cancer because it can find and remove precancerous polyps during the procedure, reducing the risk of cancer development.


2. Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): FOBT is a non-invasive test that checks for blood in the stool, which can be an early sign of colon cancer. It’s done by collecting stool samples at home and sending them to a lab for analysis. Two common types include:
Guaiac FOBT: This test uses a chemical reaction to detect blood in the stool.
FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test): FIT uses antibodies to specifically detect human blood in the stool, offering improved accuracy and fewer false positives compared to guaiac FOBT.


3. Cologuard: Cologuard is another non-invasive option that combines both DNA and fecal blood testing. Patients collect a stool sample at home and send it to a lab. This test can detect altered DNA and blood in the stool, potentially identifying precancerous growths or cancer cells.


We can discuss these screening options with you to determine which one is most suitable for your individual risk factors and preferences. Regular screening is essential for early detection and prevention of colon cancer.




Vaccines are a great tool to reduce the severity of diseases or prevent them all together. Visit the cdc website to review information about specific vaccines. We have many of them in our clinic and are happy to discuss any questions you may have about them.


Women's Health

In our office we can help you assess your risk for various risks of cancers affecting women.
For more information about these screenings check out the following resources.


Breast Cancer Screening- https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/screening.htm


Cervical Cancer Screeninghttps://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/basic_info/screening.htm

We are able to treat many Women’s Health concerns in our office. We are able to conduct the following:

– pregnancy tests
– urine tests
– routine pap smear
– STI testing (we will order these tests to be completed at a lab)


However, if you are more comfortable, you may contact an OB/GYN for any of your Women’s Health concerns.
There is no referral required for your Annual Women’s Health exam. Call an OB/GYN near you to ask if they accept your insurance.

For more specific Women’s Health concerns, we recommend establishing care with an OB/GYN for your Annual Women’s Health Exam. At this appointment you can discuss any further concerns.

Smoking Cessation

There are many resources that can help you quit smoking, it’s the absolute best thing you can do for your health. If you would like to talk about the medications that we can prescribe to help you, call our office today to set up an appointment. Here are some other resources to get you started on your journey. There is no better time to start than now.


1. California Smokers’ Helpline: This free and confidential telephone counseling service provides support and resources for quitting smoking. Call 1-800-NO-BUTTS (1-800-662-8887) to connect with trained counselors who can help you create a personalized quit plan.


2. Sacramento County Tobacco Education Program: This local program offers information, support, and resources to help residents quit smoking. They often organize smoking cessation classes and events within the community.




3. Mobile Apps: Consider using smoking cessation apps like “QuitGuide” or “SmokefreeTXT” for daily tips, tracking progress, and receiving support right on your smartphone.

Remember that quitting smoking is a challenging but highly rewarding journey, and these resources can provide the support and guidance you need to succeed.

Advanced Directives

An advanced directive is a legal document that allows patients to specify their healthcare preferences and decisions in advance, especially regarding end-of-life care, in case they become unable to communicate their wishes. It ensures that medical professionals and loved ones are aware of and can respect the patient’s choices about treatments, resuscitation, and other medical interventions when the patient can no longer express them.


This website below can help you get started thinking about it as well as walk you through the steps to filling it out.


Reliable patient resources for more health information:

